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Build A MAC Changer In Python

Swift Glitxh

Python Code

A quick and easy script.

Method 1.

import subprocess  

# Define the network interface and the new MAC address
interface = "eth0"  # Replace with the name of your network interface new_mac = "00:11:22:33:44:55"  # Replace with the desired MAC address

# Disable the network interface["ifconfig", interface, "down"])  

# Change the MAC address["ifconfig", interface, "hw", "ether", new_mac])  

# Enable the network interface["ifconfig", interface, "up"])  
print(f"MAC address of {interface} changed to {new_mac}")

Step 1: Open a Python code editor or create a new Python script file.

Step 2: Copy and paste the code provided above into the script.

Step 3: Replace "eth0" with the name of your network interface (you can find this using

the ifconfig or ip addr command) and replace "00:11:22:33:44:55" with the MAC address you want to set.

Step 4: Save the script with a .py extension, for example,

Step 5: Open a terminal and run the script using python

This code will temporarily change the MAC address of the specified network interface. Please use it responsibly and for lawful purposes.


Method 2.

import string
import random

class MacAddressGenerator:
    def __init__(self):
        self.uppercased_hexdigits = ''.join(set(string.hexdigits.upper())

    def generate_random_mac_address(self):
        mac = ""
        for i in range(6):
            for j in range(2):
                if i == 0:
                    mac += random.choice("02468ACE")
                    mac += random.choice(self.uppercased_hexdigits)
            mac += ":"
        return mac.strip(":")

# Example usage:
mac_generator = MacAddressGenerator()
random_mac = mac_generator.generate_random_mac_address()

We define a class named MacAddressGenerator to encapsulate the MAC address generation logic.

  1. In the class constructor, __init__, we initialize an instance variable uppercased_hexdigits. This variable contains all the uppercase hexadecimal digits (0-9 and A-F) and is used to ensure that we generate valid MAC address characters.

  2. The generate_random_mac_address method generates a random MAC address. Here's a step-by-step explanation of what this method does: a. Initialize an empty string mac to store the MAC address. b. Iterate six times (for the six pairs of characters in a MAC address). c. For each pair, iterate twice (for the two characters in the pair). d. For the first character of the pair (at i == 0), select a random character from the set "02468ACE." This is because the second character of a MAC address must be one of these values. e. For the second character of the pair, select a random uppercase hexadecimal digit from uppercased_hexdigits. f. Add a colon ":" between each pair of characters. g. Finally, strip the trailing colon from the MAC address string.

  3. After defining the MacAddressGenerator class, we create an instance of it (mac_generator) and use the generate_random_mac_address method to obtain a random MAC address.

  4. The generated MAC address is printed to the console.

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